How to Inform, Consult, and Involve

In case you missed it or want to watch it again, the How to Inform, Involve, and Consult in the Development Process webinar recording and presentation slides are now available. Please provide your comments and ask questions below! And don't forget to log your 1 CM credit for participating in this event.

Once you add online engagement to your development review process, be sure to come back and provide a link to your site in the "Comments" section.

You can also learn more about the overall approach and the materials on the website in this short video.

In case you missed it or want to watch it again, the How to Inform, Involve, and Consult in the Development Process webinar recording and presentation slides are now available. Please provide your comments and ask questions below! And don't forget to log your 1 CM credit for participating in this event.

Once you add online engagement to your development review process, be sure to come back and provide a link to your site in the "Comments" section.

You can also learn more about the overall approach and the materials on the website in this short video.

Thoughts? Ideas? Something to Share?

Please share your thoughts about Informing, Consulting, and Involving the community as part of the development review process.  Please also share links and other resources that will help our planning and development community continue to innovate.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.  

Please give me a call if you'd like to learn more about how to use EngagementHQ in your development review process.

Take Care,

Michelle Stephens, AICP


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Page last updated: 18 Aug 2020, 02:23 PM