Wiloughby Corner Rezone | Consulting Example

On June 9, the City received a rezone request for the property at the Southwest corner of Emma Street and 120th Street. The applicant requests that the property be rezoned from Industrial, M1, to Multi-family Residential, R4.

Applicant/Owner: Future County Housing Authority

Location: Southwest corner of Emma Street and 140th Street

Land Use Designation: Industrial

Current Zoning: M1 – Industrial

Proposed Zoning: R4 - Residential

Total Area: 10.49 acres

Public Hearing: Tuesday, August 21st, at 7pm, Council Chambers 123 Civic Road

How can you get involved, find out more, or provide feedback?

  • Download and view the revised information and plans from the document library (right)
  • Attend an informational project meeting. RSVP for informational meetings.
  • Complete an online submission. Alternatively you can:
    • Email a submission to michelle@bangthetable.com, or
    • In writing via post (555 5th Street, Futureville, ST 55555), or
    • Drop a copy to Attn: Planning Director, 555 5th Street, Futureville, ST 55555
  • Comments must be received by 2 pm, August 21st, to be included in the record of the public hearing.

Don't forget to visit this page and read the Project Updates to stay updated on the progress of this project.

If you haven't already done so, don't forget to register via the "Register to get involved" tab on the right hand side of this page. Registering will enable the City to keep you updated on projects.

On June 9, the City received a rezone request for the property at the Southwest corner of Emma Street and 120th Street. The applicant requests that the property be rezoned from Industrial, M1, to Multi-family Residential, R4.

Applicant/Owner: Future County Housing Authority

Location: Southwest corner of Emma Street and 140th Street

Land Use Designation: Industrial

Current Zoning: M1 – Industrial

Proposed Zoning: R4 - Residential

Total Area: 10.49 acres

Public Hearing: Tuesday, August 21st, at 7pm, Council Chambers 123 Civic Road

How can you get involved, find out more, or provide feedback?

  • Download and view the revised information and plans from the document library (right)
  • Attend an informational project meeting. RSVP for informational meetings.
  • Complete an online submission. Alternatively you can:
    • Email a submission to michelle@bangthetable.com, or
    • In writing via post (555 5th Street, Futureville, ST 55555), or
    • Drop a copy to Attn: Planning Director, 555 5th Street, Futureville, ST 55555
  • Comments must be received by 2 pm, August 21st, to be included in the record of the public hearing.

Don't forget to visit this page and read the Project Updates to stay updated on the progress of this project.

If you haven't already done so, don't forget to register via the "Register to get involved" tab on the right hand side of this page. Registering will enable the City to keep you updated on projects.

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  • How will you preserve our beautiful view of the mountains?

    about 4 years ago

    We value the view of the mountains throughout our City.  The General Plan view corridor map and zoning height restrictions are used to inform the project design to ensure minimal impact to existing views.  Based on your concern we are requesting the applicant to provide a detailed view corridor analysis.

  • What are the traffic impacts?

    about 4 years ago

    A traffic report has been provided by the applicant and is available for review in the Application Materials library (top right of the project page).  The City Engineer and Transportation Planner are currently reviewing the report.  Their analysis will be available in the staff report prior to the Planning Commission hearing.

  • How and when did you tell the neighborhood about this proposal? I just found out because I drove by and there was a sign! I didn't receive any notice?

    about 4 years ago

    Thanks for your inquiry.  Mailed notice to the property owners was sent on June 1st, 2020 by standard first class mail via the USPS to all property owners, as identified by the County Assessor, within 500 feet.  A complete list of property owners that were sent the project notice is available in the document library on the project page.  

Page last updated: 18 Aug 2020, 02:25 PM